Title Research: Thriller
We chose the film Buried. It was released January 23, 2010, and directed by Rodrigo Cortes. I chose the movie from (artofthetitle.com). 1. What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? The titles displayed don’t give us a list of the actors themselves like the Panic Room does. It only gives one name of an actor which is Ryan Reynolds the main character. It gives us the name of the producers, the company, and films behind the movies, writers, etc. 2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The images prioritized is a black screen with the different titles placed. It showed certain snippets of money and the dirt as a background. It shows us as a family tree of everyone who contributed to the movie. 3. What connotations do these images carry? The images carry a positive connotation as it doesn’t give off anything that wouldn’t portray this isn’t the genre it...