Genre Research: A Quiet Place
A Quiet Place was released on April 6, 2018, and directed by John Krasinski. This film is also a mix of horror and thriller just like the film Get Out. A Quiet Place is a movie about a family who lives in a world where they must stay silent or else it will prove to be fatal. Just as you would expect from a thriller film, A quiet Place clearly show all the elements a thriller film should have. To make a thriller film successful it must have fitting music, plot twist, a clear threat, multiple points of view, cliffhangers, character growth, and most importantly suspense. A quiet place was able to represent all these qualities of a great thriller movie, throughout the film. As for our group movie we want to do something just like this with A Quiet Place as our guide. Some elements my group and I will be sure to focus on will be cliffhangers, plot twists, clear threats, and fitting music. My favorite elements that a quiet place included were multiple points of view, a clear threat/ Antagonists, plot twist, and incredible suspense. During the film, every other scene focused on another character and how they would survive. The movie also managed to make the enemy known to the audience since the second scene. As for the plot twist, there were more than one in the movie and this is what made the film exciting to watch. As the theme in the film was to keep quiet, creating suspense between the protagonists and the antagonists was not difficult at all. However, a downside to the movie was that character growth did not take place in the film like other movies. Although, I do not think that my group and I will focus on character growth as well. Another setback A Quiet Place had was that there was not a likable protagonist nor was there a moral. In the film there was barely any dialogue as well however, that was the entire purpose of the movie. This will not be the same for our group. Our film will element of great dialogue will be present and there might be a moral as well.
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