Genre Research: Action & Thriller
The action and thriller genres have many similarities and differences, especially when it relates to CLAMPS.
Action Films
Action films tend to use different aspects of lighting such
as, three-point, low key, natural, and high key lighting. Like thriller films,
action movies contain excessive use of make-up and costumes to make the movie
seem and realistic as possible. Not to mention, directors use make-up and
costumes to separate normal and abnormal characters within the film. In action
movies low-key, high-key, natural, and three-point lighting are commonly used
during film. During the editing process, editors of action films are more
likely to use graphic and action matches, slow motion effects, and plenty visual
effects. Especially in movies like Spiderman, Avengers, and Iron Man. As for
camera angles action movies are usually seen with using aerial shots, high
angles, low angles, and canted (Dutch) angles. Common camera movements would be
pan, tilt, dolly, and crane. Moving on, the elements of an action film are Spectacular
physical action, combination of state-of-the-art special effects, and
stunt-work. In addition, emphasis on fights, chases, and explosions.
Thriller Films
Most thriller films are an intense and dangerous battles between the Protagonist and the Antagonist with a clear objective. Elements of a thriller movie would be high stakes, obsession, mind games, psychology, plot twists, and clear threat. Unlike the action genre, thriller films mainly stick with low key and natural lighting during filming because it serves the purpose of maintaining suspense and mystery. As mentioned earlier, thriller movies use a lot of make-up and costumes, but the main reason is to make the film scarier and creepier to the audience. Common uses of editing in thriller would consist of crosscutting, long takes, and jump cuts. Commonly used camera movements would be tilt, handheld, and dolly zoom. For camera angles, thriller films most likely show a use of canted (Dutch) angle, low angle, and high angle. Close-up shots, over the shoulder shots, and point of view shots are made plenty of times in thriller films as well. Directors do this to show changes in personality or a sudden change of emotion like fear, within the actor. Use of sound in thriller films are similar to action movies because both genres use a lot of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds in their movie scenes.
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