Editing Blog
My group and I have been working on the editing of our video. We have been scheduling when to make a call to talk about editing. On Wednesday we created a call on Zoom. We then agreed on what each other would do for the video. This time it was switched up from our last video. Anayah was in charge of putting the video together, Keemori was in charge of choosing the music, and I was in charge of editing the videos. Our call was about one hour long because we discussed everything that was going on about our video. We also discussed the order of the scenes. Many scenes were filmed multiple times so we had to see which one would work. We filmed many scenes but only chose certain ones to use for our video. There were many bloopers because we kept laughing during scenes. The bloopers are what made the editing process enjoyable for me. Anayah was the main one helping by telling us what we needed to do and when we should get our tasks done. For me, the editing part was easy because I have done it before so it was not hard for me to edit. I had to make some scenes darker to look like the night because they were not dark enough. I had to pick a style to edit the lighting. Keemori decided on what kind of background music to use and Anayah and I both thought that it was good. She picked out two options and we chose the second one. Anayah was then left to finish what she needed to do since Keemori and I finished our tasks for her. It was good working with my group because we got our stuff done when we needed to get it done.
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