Intro Blog

Hello my name is Kadia Khan and I am 15 years old. I am in the 11th grade and about to turn 16 on October 7th. I am taking this class to learn about the types of things that happen in the media. I was born in Jamaica and I came to the U.S. in 2011. I have a love for track ever since l was young in primary school. I recently joined track at Fort Lauderdale High in 10th grade and I love it. It was hard at first because I have anxiety and it definitely acts up when I’m around a huge group of people or having to do something at school. Overall, I love running, it’s a passion of mine. Growing up in Jamaica was way different from growing up in the U.S. I had to adjust to moving to a new country and changing my accent because I would speak patwa. The accent was hard to lose at first but now it is completely gone and I do miss it. I am looking forward to going to college for nursing and earning my degrees. I want a career as an anesthesiologist or an architect. I have always ...